Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Use @ViewData with HTML attributes - MVC 3 with Razor views

How to Use @ViewData with HTML attributes - MVC 3 with Razor views
How to use ViewDataDictionary
Most of the time developers need this trick when making common views.
this is a complete code section about how to use common partial views.

-My Custom PartialView for a SelectList (Shared/MultiSelectList.cshtml)
@model IEnumerable <SharedModels.CustomSelectListItem>

<select name="@ViewData["name"]" id="@ViewData["id"]" multiple="multiple" data-native-menu="false" tabindex="-1">

<option>@ViewData["defaultOption"] < /option>
< option value="0" > All < /option>
@foreach (var item in Model)
< option value="@item.value" > < /option>

-Main Partial VIEW (/SearchPanel.cshtml)

< input type="text" id="@(ViewBag.Mod)_search_text" name="name" value=""/ >

@*below code will call my custom partial view with viewdatadictionary parameters*@

@{Html.RenderPartial("MultiSelectList", (IEnumerable)ViewBag.pp, new ViewDataDictionary { { "id", "search_select_privacy" }, { "name", "select_privacy" }, { "defaultOption", "Privacy Type(s)" } });}

<a href="#" data-role="button" id="@(ViewBag.Mod)_searchkey" > Search

- Controller

public PartialViewResult SearchBox(string Mod)
ViewBag.Mod = Mod;

ViewBag.pp = new List {
new CustomSelectListItem{value=1,name="public"},
new CustomSelectListItem{value=2,name="private"},
new CustomSelectListItem{value=3,name="global"}

return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/SearchPanel.cshtml");

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Using ExtJS with ASP.NET MVC 3

Ext JS is a very powerful javascript UI library which allows you to create a rich internet applications. Ext JS is very easy in use, in learn and has very intuitive API. Supports all major web browsers (IE, Opera, Firefox, Safari).

And remember. Here is very good documentation to Ext JS library created by their authors. If you don’t understand something (e.g. one of the config option) that appears in one of the tutorials, the first place where should you go is the link above.

For more powerful examples showing how to use a Ext JS library in a various of situations, look at the official Sample & Demos section.

Official forum is located here.

Integration Ext JS and ASP.NET MVC – Basic Tutorial