Saturday, March 5, 2011

How to downgrade WordPress version step by step

People (Blog owners) want to downgrade their wordpress version because of

1. Incompatibilities with their themes

2. Incompatibilities with installed plugins


I had one of above problem and i googled but not found any automated way for it. then i decided to go manually.

step by step ~ how to downgrade wordpress

- you should have the zip file of the older version of the wordpress

1. you must have your current blog, DB name, DB admin, DB admin pwd

2.Goto web site cpanel

there in wp-content folder compress(.zip) your theme folder and plugin folder and download them in to your local machine.

3. then delete all wordpress related files, folders from the root direstory. (if you want you may keep .htaccess, sitemap.xml, robot.txt)

4.Then upload the older version of wordpress and extract the .zip in to the root directory.

5. then access to your domain and install your blog, using the old DB file.

6. Replace theme and plugin folder by uploading your old theme and plugin folders.

then thats it.. it's easy.. you can get your old wordpress version just in a minitue without harming to your blog post or your account details.

(actually this is a file replacement :)..)
