Wednesday, December 31, 2008

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Shopping Cart using C#.NET, Web Forms and SQL Server

Shopping Cart using C#.NET, Web Forms and SQL Server


This application is a Shopping Cart where users can select items and place an order. I have added the features of login, and adding new users if user does not exist. Validations are performed wherever needed like email format validation, zipcode etc.

Fig. 1

Database: For the purpose, I have used the NorthWind database and SQL Server.

The two main tables used are:

  1. Products table
  2. Order Details table.

I have used two classes:

public class CartRow
public string id;
public string name;
public string price;
public string items;
public class Cart
public System.Collections.ArrayList list = new ArrayList(20);

The two main web-forms are Main.aspx and CheckOut.aspx. Main.aspx contains a grid showing all items present in the products table along with the price per unit and the quantity per unit. Fig 1 shows the Main.aspx page, where user can select items from the products grid (left). As he selects an item, it is added to his cart and the item is displayed in the right panel. The total price is displayed in the label above. As the user adds more items to his cart, the recalculated price is shown. Upon clicking the clear cart button, the cart gets empty.

If the user now wants to finalize the order and presses the CheckOut button, he is redirected to the Login.aspx page (Fig 2). I have set the default username as “user” for the sample and password is “u”.

Fig 2.

And finally, the user is asked to enter the Credit Card number, billing PIN code and his email address. It does the client side validations and then confirms the order placed by sending a mail to the user as shown in (Fig 3).

And the order is finalized. For more advanced shopping cart, this information plus the item information has to be stored in some database.

Fig 3


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Developing a Shopping Cart in ASP.NET

Developing a Shopping Cart in ASP.NET


In this tutorial we are going to develop a simple shopping cart consisting of two pages, an order page, where your user will be able to check the available merchandise and order the same and the second is a cart page, where the selected items will be shown in the cart. This apparently simple application explains few basic design concepts.

You will clearly find three layers in this application: a back end database describing your products, couple of classes, implementing your business logic and thirdly of course the front end web pages. The middle layer business classes not only give shapes of your business logic but also acts as a vehicle to bring data from the database to the web page. With these much background information let us start with the development.

Step by step development of the Shopping Cart

The Order Page

The order page accepts an order entry for any items in the online store. The user selects the product from the drop-down list, enters a quantity required in the text and clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button. The selected product is added to the shopping cart along with the quantity and the cart page is displayed.

The product information is retrieved from the products table of the database. An AccessDataSource control is bound to the drop-down list. The AutoPostBack property of the drop down list is set to true so that the page is posted when the user selects a product and the information for this product is displayed.

We have used a SortedList to store the shopping cart information and saved this data in session state for retrieving and updating the cart each time a product is selected.

When a user selects a product from the drop down list some label controls displays the name and description of the product and an image control displays the image of the product. We have not stored the image directly in the database but stored the name and position of the image file and the code retrieves the image from the respective file.

We have also implemented validation controls to ensure that the user enters a positive number in the range of 1 to 100 for the quantity. A RequiredFeildValidator ensures that the user enters some value in the text box for quantity and a RangeValidator control ensures that the value is within desired range. Both these controls' ControlToValidate property is set to the name of the quantity text box.

The order page code is as follows:

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Order.aspx.vb" Inherits="Order" %>
DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>My Shopping Carttitle>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="font-size: xx-large; vertical-align: baseline; width: 614px; color: #ffffff;
direction: ltr; height: 112px; background-color: #660000; text-align: left; font-variant: normal">

<br />

My Web Shopdiv>
<br /><br />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"
Text="Please select a product:">asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlProducts" runat="server" Width = "150px"
DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1" DataTextField="Name"
DataValueField="ProductID" AutoPostBack="True">
<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectCommand="SELECT [ProductID], [Name], [ShortDescription],
[LongDescription], [ImageFile], [UnitPrice]
FROM [Products] ORDER BY [Name]">
<br />
<tr >
<td style="width: 250px; height: 22px">
<asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server"
Font-Bold="False" Font-Size="Larger">
<td style="width: 20px" rowspan="4">
<td rowspan="4" valign="top">
<asp:Image ID="imgProduct" runat="server" Height="200" />
<td style="width: 250px">
<asp:Label ID="lblShortDescription" runat="server">
<td style="width: 250px">
<asp:Label ID="lblLongDescription" runat="server">
<td style="width: 250px">
<asp:Label ID="lblUnitPrice" runat="server"
Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="Larger">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="each"
Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="Larger">
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text="Quantity:"
Width="80px" BorderWidth = "0px">asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtQuantity" runat="server" Width="80px">asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtQuantity" Display="Dynamic"
ErrorMessage="Quantity is a required field.">
<asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtQuantity" Display="Dynamic"
ErrorMessage="Quantity must range from 1 to 500."
MaximumValue="500" MinimumValue="1" Type="Integer">
asp:RangeValidator><br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="btnAdd" runat="server" Text="Add to Cart" />
<asp:Button ID="btnCart" runat="server" CausesValidation="False"
PostBackUrl="~/Cart.aspx" Text="Go to Cart" />


The design view of the page should look like:

Order page of shopping cart
Image 1. Order page in design view

he cart page displays the selected items list and is implemented by a list box control. The shopping cart information is saved in session state by the order page. The user can select any item in the list and remove it from the list or empty the cart or continue shopping by returning to the order page.

The check out button ideally should take the user to payments mode but it is beyond the scope of present tutorial.

The code for the Cart Page is as follows:

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Cart.aspx.vb"
Inherits="Cart" %>

DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Shopping Carttitle>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="font-size: xx-large; vertical-align: baseline; width: 614px; color: #ffffff;
direction: ltr; height: 112px; background-color: #660000; text-align: left; font-variant: normal">

<br />

My Web Shopdiv><br /><br />
Your shopping cart:<br />
<table style="width: 500px" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td style="width: 286px; height: 153px">
<asp:ListBox ID="lstCart" runat="server"
Width="267px" Height="135px">
<td style="height: 153px">
<asp:Button ID="btnRemove" runat="server"
Width="100px" Text="Remove Item" /><br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="btnEmpty" runat="server"
Width="100px" Text="Empty Cart" />
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnContinue" runat="server"
PostBackUrl="~/Order.aspx" Text="Continue Shopping" />
<asp:Button ID="btnCheckOut" runat="server" Text="Check Out" /><br />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server">asp:Label>

The design view of the cart page should look like this:

Shopping cart page
Image 2. Cart page design

The business classes needed for shopping cart

This simple shopping cart application requires two business classes Product and CartItem. The Product class has properties similar to the fields in the Product table of your database as this class will be the vehicle to carry your product information from database to the application logic. The CartItem class will have just two properties product and quantity and a method for displaying the product name and quantity selected.

The product class

Public Class Product
Public ProductID As String
Public Name As String
Public ShortDescription As String
Public LongDescription As String
Public UnitPrice As Decimal
Public ImageFile As String
End Class

The CartItem class

Public Class CartItem
Public Product As Product
Public Quantity As Integer

Public Function Display() As String
Return Product.Name + " (" + Quantity.ToString() _
+ " at " + FormatCurrency(Product.UnitPrice) + " each)"

End Function
End Class

To retrieve data from the database an AccessDataSource control has been used. The Select method of the AccessDataSource class return a DataView object which contains the rows retrieved from the Access database. the return type of Select method is IEnumerable, so we need to convert the returned object to a DataView object. The RowFilter property of the DataView class allow you to filter rows based on some criteria. The indexer of the DataView class is used to get a specific row as a DataRowView object. The indexer of the DataRowView object in turn allows to get a specific column from the row. The following code explains this.

Dim dvProduct As DataView = CType(AccessDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
dvProduct.RowFilter = "ProductID = '" & ddlProducts.SelectedValue & "'"
Dim Product As New Product
Product.ProductID = dvProduct(0)("ProductID").ToString
Product.Name = dvProduct(0)("Name").ToString
Product.ShortDescription = dvProduct(0)("ShortDescription").ToString
Product.LongDescription = dvProduct(0)("LongDescription").ToString
Product.UnitPrice = CDec(dvProduct(0)("UnitPrice"))
Product.ImageFile = dvProduct(0)("ImageFile").ToString

Use of Session State to Store the Cart Information

Asp.Net uses session state to track the state of each user of an application by creating a session state object. This session state object includes a session ID which is sent back to the browser as a cookie. The browser automatically returns this cookie with each request and this way the server associates the browser with an existing session state object. This session state object can be used to store and retrieve items across executions of an application.

The following table shows the commonly used properties and methods of the HttpSessionState class

Properties Description
SessionID The unique ID of the session
Item(name) The value of the session state item with the specified name
Count The number of items in the session state collection
Methods Description
Add(name, value) Adds an item to the session state collection
Clear Removes all items from the session state collection
Remove(name) Removes the specified item from the collection

We have used the session state object to store the list of the selected items in the shopping cart. The following code snippet shows that:

Private Function GetCart() As SortedList
If Session("Cart") Is Nothing Then
Session.Add("Cart", New SortedList)
End If
Return CType(Session("Cart"), SortedList)
End Function

The complete application should look like:

Shopping cart sample
Image 3. Shopping cart at run time


This simple shopping cart application explains how to handle a simple problem using Asp.Net. Though we have used the barest minimum functionalities, you will find lots of shopping carts with much more complex finery, we just hop this tutorial helps you to understand the basic workings of Asp.Net. You can download the Shopping Cart Visual Studio project, used in this tutorial.

Happy Programming!

ASP.NET Shopping Cart Source Code

ASP.NET Shopping Cart Source Code 2

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  • Date Added:

    April 14, 2006

Sunday, December 28, 2008

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Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna

Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna

Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna - Love, life, relationships....and the truth!

Exclusive by Joginder Tuteja, IndiaGlitz [Wednesday, June 21, 2006]

It's said that relationships are driven by society while love is something that an individual develops!

The age old saying has proved right in all the times. But what about the present times? A time when life is a frantic journey where there is hardly any time left for building relationships? Where is the place for love then? Does it emerge out of a relationship? Or it doesn't really need an invitation to happen by itself?

Can love be so powerful that it could take on relationships.....and break them forever?

The film narrates the tale of two families - Sarans and Talwars. While Sarans are headed by Kamaljit Saran [Kirron Kher], mother of Dev [Shahrukh Khan], Talwars have Samarjit Singh Talwar [Amitabh Bachchan] as the eldest with Rishi [Abhishek Bachchan] as his son! That's not all as the well-to-do families also have a female member in the form of Rhea [Preity Zinta], Dev's wife and Maya [Rani Mukherjee], Rishi's better half.

What is it that brings the members of two families so close that it pains to say 'Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna'?

Each of the young couples comes with their own set of frustrations, desires and expectations. Each of the young couples has their own problems, their own battles to fight. And soon there comes a time when a member from each of the two couples start depending upon each other to comfort themselves!

They are Dev and Maya. Very much married. But now looking upon each other for the best moments of their lives!

What was it about the relationships shared by Dev-Rhea and Rishi-Maya that set them apart? And what is it that would get them closer again?

Both Dev and Maya have a handicap that keeps them unhappy about their married lives. An unfortunate incident changes Dev's personality completely. Handicapped, he starts looking at everything with a negative mindset and finds himself unable to enjoy the smallest pleasures given by life. Whether it is his much-successful wife Rhea or the ones who are closest to him, he is just enable to maintain his composure and hates everything that comes in his way, be it his surroundings, his loved ones, his wife and even his life! With a feeling of loneliness and disappointed all around him, sensitive Dev lashes out at any given opportunity. But Maya's entry in his life brings along a calming effect!

On the other hand Maya too has a handicap of her own that keeps her aloof from her husband. While on one hand she is unable to have children, on the other hand she is not able to give her husband the kind of love that any husband would deserve. Knowing very well that her feelings for Rishi have much left in them to be desired, she feels guilty about the fact but finds herself helpless in this situation. Doubting the very essence of the relationship they share, the love they feel for each other and the life they want to live from hereon, Maya finds herself on the crossroads when she meets Dev!

Passion ignites, sparks fly and true love beckons Dev and Maya when they meet. And then comes the dilemma of accepting the fact about their respective marriage partners on one hand and choosing a life of their choice on the other.

Meanwhile what's the kind of lives Rhea and Rishi want to live?

A confident woman with strong beliefs and resolve about her career having equal, if not more, important as her marital life, Rhea is smart, successful and caring. She may not be the usual housewife that is generally accepted from a woman belonging to her social circle but that is hardly a worrying thought for her as she believes that everything counts in an individual's life, with love and luxuries holding equal importance.

Rishi too loves Maya enormously and it's her and only her.

Tumko bhi hai khabar - You also know
Mujhko bhi hai pata - I also know
Ho raha hai judaa dono ka raasta - Our ways are getting separated
Door jaa ke bhi mujhse - Even going away from me
Tum meri yaadon mein rehna - You stay in my memories
Kabhi alvida na kehna (3) - Never say goodbye

Tumko bhi hai khabar - You also know
Mujhko bhi hai pata - I also know
Ho raha hai judaa dono ka raasta - Our ways are getting separated
Door jaa ke bhi mujhse - Even going away from me
Tum meri yaadon mein rehna - You stay in my memories
Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna (3) - Never say goodbye

Jitni thi khushiyan sab kho chuki hai - Whatever happiness there was it's all gone
Bas ek gham hai ke jaata nahi - Just the sadness won't go away
Samjha ke dekha behela ke dekha - I tried to make it understand
Dil hai chain isko aata nahi...aata nahi - This heart does not receive any peace…
Aasoon hai ke hai angaarey, aag hai ab aankhon se behena - Are these tears or bolts of flame, fire now floats through these eyes
Kabhi alvida na kehna (3) - Never say goodbye

Rut aa rahi hai, rut jaa rahi hai - Seasons have come, seasons have gone
Dard ka mausam badla nahi - The weather of pain has not changed
Rang yeh gham ka itna hai gehera - The color of sadness is so deep
Saadiyon bhi hoga halka nahi...halka nahi - Even after years it will not get less…will not get less
Kaun jaane kya hona hai - Who knows what will happen
Humko hai ab kya kya sehena - What more do I have to go through
Kabhi Alvida...Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna (2) - Never say goodbye

Tumko bhi hai khabar - You also know
Mujhko bhi hai pata - I also know
Ho raha hai judaa dono ka raasta - Our ways are getting separated
Door jaa ke bhi mujhse - Even going away from me
Tum meri yaadon mein rehna - You stay in my memories
Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna (5) - Never say goodbye



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